Northwest Power Planning Council

The Northwest Power Conservation Council (NPCC, formerly NPPC) was created by Congress to give the citizens of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington a stronger voice in determining and balancing the future of key resources common to all four states namely, the electricity generated at and fish and wildlife affected by the Columbia River Basin hydropower dams.

The Council, authorized in the Northwest Power Act of 1980, is funded by wholesale power revenues from the Bonneville Power Administration, the federal agency that markets the electricity generated at federal dams on the Columbia River.  The council is comprised of two members from each of the 4 states, members are appointed by their respective governors. State, tribal and local governments often work closely with the Council as it develops its power and fish and wildlife plans, and these entities also implement measures in those plans. The power plan and fish and wildlife program are updated at least every five years.

The plans and policies the council develops and approves are implemented by numerous agencies including Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

The NPCC is directed to prepare a program to protect, mitigate and enhance fish and wildlife of the Columbia River Basin that have been affected by the construction and operation of hydroelectric dams while also assuring the Pacific Northwest an adequate, efficient, economical and reliable power supply. The Act also directs the Council to inform the public about fish, wildlife and energy issues and to involve the public in its decision-making.

In 2000 the NPCC amended its Fish and Wildlife Program to include adoption of an ecosystem-based approach structured around a basinwide vision for fish and wildlife. To accomplish the goals set out in the Fish and Wildlife Program, the Columbia River Basin has been organized into eleven Provinces with 63 subdivisions called Subbasins.

Okanogan County participated in the development of subbasin plans, submitted to NPCC on May 28, 2004.

The NPCC website provides additional information about the NPCC as well as subbasin planning.