

The Treasurer's Office will be closed 5/27/2024 in observance of Memorial Day.

If you have 2021 year or older in property taxes or irrigation assessments owing, you could be subject to Tax Foreclosure. This must be paid by May 31st to avoid Foreclosure. Please contact the Treasurer's Office for more information, 509-422-7180.


If you are paying either on the web or through our automated phone line, please understand that it will take 3 to 5 business days to post to your account and our website. Also, you will need to make sure you have a confirmation number from your payment. When your payment posts to your bank account, it may show up as PNP payments or Point and Pay.
Welcome !

Washington HAF (Homeowner Assistance Fund) connects you with a housing counselor who provides free and confidential support and can assist you with many options to prevent foreclosure. You can contact them for a no-cost assessment and referral to a housing counselor in your area.

HAF (Homeowners Assistance Fund) Hotline: 1-877-894-4663
or website link: https://washingtonhaf.org/ 

The County Treasurer is the custodian of all funds for the county and governmental subdivisions, receipting and disbursing all funds of the county.  The Treasurer is not only entrusted with county funds, but also collects the general property tax for cities, schools and many units of local government.  In addition, the office handles special assessment funds, certain state and federal funds allocated to local governments and various fees collected in county office such as excise tax on property sales.

The Treasurer's office is responsible for the financial accounting of all junior districts and the distribution of monthly financial reports.

If you have any questions, contact this office click here

Neither Okanogan County nor any agency, officer, or employee of Okanogan County warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information in the Web Page and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information.  Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current.  Any person or entity who relies on any information obtained from the systems, does so at his or her own risk.